
Your donation to United Way of Anderson County makes a difference in improving lives and strengthening our community through our four key pillars: Health, Education, Financial Stability, and Basic Needs. Thank you for your continued support!

***Please note: if you are giving through a Workplace Campaign at your company, please be sure you have filled out your Pledge Form first! Contact your organization's Campaign Coordinator or with questions.***

Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Donor Information
Please note: When joining/renewing membership in an Affinity Group, your donation will be designated to your selected Affinity Group's focus area. (Women United: Childhood Literacy, African American Leadership Society: AALS programs, Young Philanthropists: Homelessness & Housing)
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address