Running a Workplace Campaign
United Way of Anderson County partners with local businesses, individuals, government and nonprofits in a community-wide effort to address the needs of our community. By committing to conduct a workplace campaign, you join more than 225 local organizations that support the annual fund-raising effort. Last year, more than 5,425 donors invested in our community through their United Way workplace campaign.
A United Way workplace campaign allows you to support our entire community. Your employees receive valuable information about the needs in Anderson County and can easily help address those needs with a generous gift utilizing the convenience of payroll deduction.
Organizations of any size, ranging from two to five thousand employees or more, can participate.
Campaign Resources
United Way staff stands ready to support you and your campaign efforts. Please contact our Director of Development, Liz Brock, and she will help you customize the campaign based on your organization's philanthropic goals.
Welcome to the United Way team!
First and foremost, thank you. Thank you, not only on behalf of our organization, but the whole community. There is a great need in our community for the services offered by United Way’s funded programs. You never know when a family member, neighbor, friend, coworker or even you may need (or have used) the services provided through United Way funding.
As a workplace coordinator, you are our greatest champion in creating lasting change for our community. Please do not underestimate the profound impact your campaign will make on the lives of thousands.
You are making a difference.
As a workplace coordinator, you will educate and inspire others about the work of United Way and help them understand how their contributions help us improve lives and our community. You may find lots of information to help you run a successful campaign on our website. Remember, you are not alone. The United Way staff is here to help you; we are committed to being your greatest advocates because quite simply, we could not do this important work without you.
Campaign Coordinator Guide
At a minimum, please share a pledge form and flyer with every employee.
Please do not alter our logo, tilt it, or extract any of the graphic elements contained in the brandmark. If possible, the preferred location for the logo is the lower right corner.